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Members of parliament at Soletair Power

Petteri Orpo, Finnish MP and the chair of Kokoomus party visits Soletair Power

Today we welcomed Mr. Petteri Orpo and Jukka Kopra, Members of the Finnish Parliament, accompanied by honorable members from the National Coalition Party for a tour of the factory with the three climate solutions Afstor, Elstor and Soletair Power from Lappeenranta.

Together with Joonas Grönlund, Chairman of the Board, Lappeenranta city; Pia Rantanen, Executive Director, Kokoomus (National Coalition Party); and Tuomas Tikkanen, Special Adviser, Kokoomus (National Coalition Party); the statesmen took a look at our production facility and gained valuable insights into the climate technologies developed by AfstorElstor Oy and Soletair Power.

During in-depth discussions, Mr. Ari Piispanen and Mr. Petri Laakso presented Soletair Power‘s strategies for developing modular carbon capture solutions for integrating into commercial buildings across the globe. Synergies with potential industry partners were also explored.

Members of Parliament at Soletair Power
From left, Pia Rantanen, Executive Director, Kokoomus Party; Petteri Orpo, Member of the Finnish Parliament and Chair of Kokoomus Party; Tuomas Tikkanen, Special Adviser, Kokoomus Party; Jukka Kopra, Member of the Finnish Parliament and Joonas Grönlund, Chairman of the Board, Lappeenranta city.


Petteri Orpo
Petteri Orpo, Member of the Parliament of Finland

Mr. Kari Suninen then introduced Elstor Oy to the guests about the power-to-heat storage technology, which stores emission-free electricity as heat energy and replaces fossil fuels in the production of heat and steam cost-effectively.

Mr. Ari Piispanen then presented Afstor, the solar cooker that aims to put an end to burning wood in rural Africa. Afstor Solar Home and Cooker system with internet access can also educate young people and their parents in Africa.

Members of Parliament at Soletair Power
Discussion about strategies for efficient HVAC-DAC coupling into buildings across the globe


Members of Parliament at Soletair Power
Kokomus members at Afstor and Soletair Power


Members of Parliament at Soletair Power
Ari Piispanen presents to MP Petteri Orpo member of the Parliament of Finland about Afstor and Soletair Power


Members of Parliament at Soletair Power
Ari Piispanen presents about Afstor, Elstor and Soletair Power

Technologies to combat climate change are of high interest. The recent rising cost of fossil fuels has also increased attention to alternative and sustainable ways of producing synthetic fuels. With clean and innovative utilization of technology, the three companies are making a sustainable contribution to the fight against climate change.

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